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Guideline Liquefied gas carriers with independent prismatic tanks of type A and B DNV-CG-0133 - DNV [2023, PDF] e2ner1wo 5 MB 9
Energy Transition Outlook New Power System - DNV [2024, PDF] sugarspicesa… 24 MB 3
Tall Ship Rigs - DNV [2016, PDF] zeimer 2 MB 8
Fuel EU Maritime: How to Prepare for Compliance - DNV [2024, PDF] twicer 276 KB 9
Blackout – Causes, Prevention, Effective recovery - DNV [2024, PDF] twicer 151 KB 7
Rules for Classification Naval vessels - Part 4 - DNVGL [2018, PDF] Cabral1500 4 MB 6
Energy Transition Outlook - China 2024 - DNV [2024, PDF] sugarspicesa… 9 MB 6
Energy Transition Outlook - DNV [2023, PDF] sugarspicesa… 31 MB 3
Pathway to Net Zero Emissions - DNV [2023, PDF] sugarspicesa… 6 MB 3
DNV_Maritime_Forecast_2050 - DNV [2021, PDF] drzhangxu 5 MB 0
DNV-RP-0675 Technical Ship Performance - DNV [2023, PDF] A.H.Mohammed 3 MB 0
Course for Offshore NB Visual Inspectors - DNV [2009, PDF] Nantong 4 MB 1
The Future of Seafarers 2030: a Decade of Transformation - DNV [2023, PDF] twicer 3 MB 7
Marityme Cyber Priority - DNV [2023, PDF] twicer 19 MB 3
Damage Stability Study - EMSA and DNVGL [2015-2020, PDF] twicer 41 MB 0
Lashcon TM IMO User Guide - DNV [2003, PDF] Ferreirolo -
Lashcon IMO - DNV [2004, XLS] Ferreirolo -
DNV Rules for classification, class programmes, class guidelines, offshore standards and statutory interpretations 2023-02 - DNV [2023, PDF] wxwship 670 MB 2
LNG/C Berge Arzew - Fire Extinguishing Training Manual - DNV [2004, PDF] abdallahwsm 34 MB 3
LNG/C Berge Arzew - LSA Training Manual - DNV [2004, PDF] abdallahwsm 15 MB 5
(DNV)- All rules for classification, class programmes, class guidelines, offshore standards and statutory interpretations - DNV [2022, PDF] duonglan15 669 MB 0
DNV's latest Energy Transition Outlook 2022 - DNV [2022, PDF] twicer 78 MB 2
Maritime Forecast to 2050 | Energy Transition Outlook - DNV [2022, PDF] twicer 9 MB 7
Maintenance of safety equipment - DNV - March 2022 - DNV [2022, PDF] duonglan15 542 KB 0
What’s New with SOLAS 2024? Technical and Regulatory News Statutory - DNV [2022, PDF] twicer 76 KB 7
Managing the Risk of Blackouts - DNV [2022, PDF] twicer 3 MB 8
Class Rules, Guidelines, Programmes, Offshore Standards and Statutory interpretations - DNV [2022, PDF] twicer 738 MB 0
Maintenance of Safety Equipment - DNV [2022, PDF] spitzer 542 KB 5
Cargo and Cargo Hold Ventilation - DNV [2020, PDF] youcef_2020 1 MB 0
DNV STANDARD DNV-ST-0377 Shipboard lifting appliances 2022 - DNV [2022, PDF] b.stepney 6 MB 7
DNV STANDARD DNV-ST-0342 Craft 2022 - DNV [2022, PDF] b.stepney 3 MB 6
DNV RECOMMENDED PRACTICE DNV-RP-C104 Self-elevating units 2022 - DNV [2022, PDF] b.stepney 4 MB 6
DNV CLASS GUIDELINE DNV-CG-0051 Non-destructive testing 2022 - DNV [2022, PDF] b.stepney 6 MB 5
Cyber Security Resilience management for Ships and Mobile offshore units in Operation - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 2 MB 6
DNVGL - Liquefied gas carriers with spherical tanks of type B - DNVGL [2018, PDF] pierdolphin1… 9 MB 5
Competence of remote control centre operators - DNV [2021, PDF] Ferreirolo 486 KB 7
Certification scheme for remote control centre operators - DNV [2021, PDF] Ferreirolo 1 MB 7
Electronic IMO-Vega Database [Portable] v.25.1 - jointly by IMO and DNV [2021] twicer -
Technical and Regulatory News - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 3 MB 6
Additive manufacturing - Qualification and Certification process for Materials and Components - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 2 MB 5
Allowable thickness diminution for Hull Structure - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 1 MB 6
Hybrid laser-arc Welding - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 632 KB 6
Foundation and Mounting of Machinery - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 6 MB 5
Ultrasonic thickness Measurements of Ships - DNV [2018, PDF] twicer 39 MB 1
Smart Vessel - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 695 KB 2
Maintenance of Safety Equipment - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 509 KB 0
Schematic principles for Steering Gear hydraulics - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 698 KB 8
Repair Guidance for Vessels in Operation - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 6 MB 5
Calculation of Crankshafts for Reciprocating internal Combustion Engines - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 3 MB 3
Calculation methods for Shaft Alignment - DNV [2021, PDF] twicer 2 MB 5

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