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Rules for Classification Naval vessels - Part 4 - DNVGL [2018, PDF] Cabral1500 4 MB 5
Damage Stability Study - EMSA and DNVGL [2015-2020, PDF] twicer 41 MB 10
DNVGL - Liquefied gas carriers with spherical tanks of type B - DNVGL [2018, PDF] pierdolphin1… 9 MB 4
Energy Transition Outlook 2020. A global and regional forecast to 2050 - DNV GL [2020, PDF] Ferreirolo 32 MB 3
Maritime Forecast To 2050 Energy Transition Outlook 2020 - DNV GL [2021, PDF] Ferreirolo 8 MB 4
Determination of structural capacity by non-linear finite element analysis methods DNVGL-RP-C208 - DNV GL AS [2020, PDF] pippolo 9 MB 3
Environmental conditions and environmental loads DNVGL­-RP-C205 - DNV GL AS [2019, PDF] pippolo 9 MB 3
Cargo and cargo hold ventilation - DNV GL [2020, PDF] Ferreirolo 1 MB 12
DNV GL class documents - DNV GL [2020, PDF] Ferreirolo 544 MB 3
Container Securing - DNV GL [2019, PDF] Ferreirolo 2 MB 7
Maritime Forecast to 2050 Including Energy Transition Outlook 2020- DNV GL [2020, PDF] gillnumil 40 MB 2
Ship-handling competence requirements for berthing and un-berthing large vessels - DNV GL [2014, PDF] Ferreirolo 138 KB 7
Wave loads - DNV GL [2018, PDF] Ferreirolo 2 MB 7
Assessment Of Selected Alternative Fuels And Technologies - DNV GL [2019, PDF] Ferreirolo 3 MB 2
DNV-GL Maintenance of safety equipment - Edition 2019-07 - DNV-GL [2019, PDF] ttattallia 264 KB 1
DNV GL Perfect ship [2017, MP4] DZHermes 88 MB 0
The leading maritime capitals of the World 2019 - Menon Economics and DNV GL [2019, PDF] DZHermes 14 MB 2
Energy Transition Outlook launch event-DNV GL-2019 [2019, MP4] DZHermes 1.1 GB 0
IMO Requirements July 2018 to May 2020 - DNV-GL [2019, PDF] DZHermes 80 KB 5
Practical Approach to Crewing Operation - DNV-GL Maritime Academy [2013, PDF] Brom 9 MB 1
Internal Auditor ISM-ISPS-MLC for Shipping Companies - DNV-GL Maritime Academy [2019, PDF] Brom 6 MB 5
Superintendent Workshop - Managing Day to Day Operations - DNV-GL Maritime Academy [2019, PDF] Brom 12 MB 10
Company/Ship Security Officer (CSO/SSO) Course - DNV-GL Maritime Academy [2019, PDF] Brom 34 MB 8
Designated Person Ashore Course-DNV-GL Maritime Academy - DNV-GL Maritime Academy [2019, PDF] Brom 9 MB 3
Maritime Study on the use of fuel cells in Shipping - EMSA European Maritime Safety Agency - DNV GL – Maritime [2017, PDF] virtual 4 MB 2
DNV-GL Class Guidelines- Maintainance of Safety Equipments - DNV-GL [2016, PDF] summerdispla… 226 KB 0
LNG as Ship Fuel: Latest developments and projects in the LNG industry - Petra Schnack & Markus Krüger [DNV GL] [2015, PDF] marlamamba 9 MB 4
Global Sulphur Cap 2020: Compliance options and implications for shipping – focus on scrubbers - DNV GL [2019, PDF] marlamamba 12 MB 4
Assessment of Selected Alternative Fuels and Technologies - DNV GL [2018, PDF] marlamamba 2 MB 1
DNV GL Webinar. Port State Control CIC 2017 [2017, MP4] SerTan 49 MB 2
Dynamic positioning systems – operation guidance [Recommended practice DNVGL, ed. July 2015] - DNV GL AS [2015, PDF] marlamamba 4 MB 5
DNV GL Polar Code - DNVGL [2017, PDF] demos1264 4 MB 4
DNV GL Gas Carrier Update - DNVGL [2018, PDF] demos1264 9 MB 4
DNV GL Yacht Update - DNVGL [2018, PDF] demos1264 8 MB 5
DNV GL Cruise Update - DNVGL [2018, PDF] demos1264 3 MB 5
DNV GL Ferry and RoRo Update - DNVGL [2018, PDF] demos1264 8 MB 5
DNV GL Container Ship Update - DNVGL [2018, PDF] demos1264 3 MB 5
DNV GL Tanker Update - DNVGL [2018, PDF] demos1264 8 MB 5
DNV GL Bulk Carrier Update - DNVGL [2018, PDF] demos1264 8 MB 5
DNVGL Full scale testing of escort vessels 2016 - DNV GL AS [2016, PDF] marlamamba 253 KB 6
Calculation of marine propellers, DNVGL-CG-0039 - DNV GL [2015, PDF] virtual 384 KB 5
DNV GL & GARD - Cyber security awareness in the Maritime Industry [2018, MP4] virtual 316 MB 2
Cyber security awareness information package - Gard & DNV GL [2018, PDF] virtual 41 MB 3
Noble Denton marine services - certification for towing vessel approvability - DNV GL [2017, PDF] Novice_User 736 KB 6
Digital Twins for Blue Denmark - DNV GL [2018, PDF] virtual 1 MB 6
Rules of DNV-GL - [2018, PDF] Arcan 405 MB 0
Fuel changeover calculators - DNV-GL & Lloyd’s Register [2016, EXE] SerTan 1 MB 8
Anchor loss - ANCHOR AWARENESS - DNV GL, Gard and The Swedish Club [2016, PDF] virtual 5 MB 3
Liquefied gas carriers with independent cylindrical tanks of type C - DNVGL-GL [2016, PDF] virtual 1 MB 7
The new IGC Code, 2016 Edition MSC.370(93), an update - DNV GL [2018, PDF] virtual 930 KB 6

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