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English for Maritime (A Supplementary Material for Vocational Maritime High Schools) - Arfiyan Ridwan, Siti Maria Ulfa [2018, PDF] Nemo 629 KB 4
Personal Safety Precautions For Job-Seeking Yacht Crew - ISWAN [2023, PDF] gillnumil 5 MB 6
Ise Wan Vessel Traffic Service Center "Isewan Martis" User Manual - Japan Coast Guard [2011, PDF] gillnumil 3 MB 1
Navigation Safety Guidance - Tokyo Wan, Ise Wan (Including Nagoya-Ko), Seto Inland Sea (Including Kanmon Kaikyo) - Japan Coast Guard [2021, PDF] gillnumil 4 MB 2
21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Construction of Remote Islands and Reefs - Chongwei Zheng, Chongyin Li, Hailang Wu, Min Wang [2019, PDF] eescobar 8 MB 2
Powerboat and RIB - Issue 177 - Hugo Montgomery-Swan (Editor) [2022, PDF] gillnumil 212 MB 0
Safe Travel - a Guide for Seafarers - ISWAN [202x, PDF] twicer 1 MB 4
Malaria - a Guide for Seafarers - ISWAN [202x, PDF] twicer 670 KB 1
Healthy Food - A Guide for Seafarers - ISWAN [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 1 MB 6
A Mariner's Guide to Preventing Collisions: Interpreted and fully explained for practical application - Capt. Yashwant Chhabra [2020, EPUB] gillnumil 7 MB 7
Offshore Robotics: Volume I Issue 1 - Shun-Feng Su ,Ning Wang [2022, PDF] skipper3362 4 MB 2
Guidelines for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS on board merchant ships - ISWAN [20xx, PDF] twicer 16 MB 1
Practical English Usage - Michael Swan [2017, PDF] twicer 42 MB 0
ISWAN for Seafarers - Seafarerswelfare [2021] [Android] gillnumil 93 MB 2
Atlantic cruise in 'Wanderer III' - ERIC C. HISCOCK [1993, PDF] Gogo81 20 MB 2
Mentally Healthy Ships - Dr Pennie Blackburn by ISWAN [2020, PDF] twicer 5 MB 4
Guidelines for Mental Care Onboard Merchant Ships - ISWAN [2016, PDF] twicer 982 KB 1
Practical English Usage - Michael Swann [2005, PDF] paolina_3 20 MB 0
Gender Diversity - Towards Building and Maintaining a Diverse Shipboard Team - Anglo-Eastern & ISWAN [2017, PDF] gillnumil 6 MB 0
A Mariner's Guide to Preventing Collisions - Capt. Yashwant Chhabra [2014, PDF] gillnumil 55 MB 2
The Sustainability of Oil Ports: An Holistic Framework for China - Xuemuge Wang , Micheal Roe and Shaofeng Liu [2020, PDF] skipper3362 7 MB 2
Managing Stress and Sleeping Well at Sea - ISWAN [201X, PDF] SerTan 5 MB 4
Guidelines for Healthy Food Onboard Merchant Ships - ISWAN [201X, PDF] SerTan 641 KB 2
Guidelines for Fitness Onboard Merchant Ships - ISWAN [201X, PDF] SerTan 1 MB 3
Sailor - A Pictorial History - McGowan A. [1977, PDF] Vitbar192 75 MB 1
The Seafarers' Health Information Programme (SHIP) - ISWAN [2019, PDF] gillnumil 167 MB 2
Training On Board Newsletter - ISWAN [2019, PDF] gillnumil 20 MB 2
Seafarers' Mental Health and Wellbeing (by KVH Videotel & ISWAN) [2018, MP4] gillnumil 851 MB 0
Humanitarian support of seafarers and their families in cases of armed robbery and piracy attack - MPHRP & ISWAN [2016, PDF] gillnumil 5 MB 0
Psychological Wellbeing at Sea - ISWAN [201X, PDF] SerTan 2 MB 5
The Seafarers' Mental Health and Wellbeing (Including ISWAN brochures) - KVH Videotel & ISWAN [2018, PDF] gillnumil 941 MB 1
Fire Protection, Fire Detection and Fire Extinguishing - Mohd. Hanif Dewan, Senior Engg. [Presentation] [2014, PDF] zxc 8 MB 3
Container Terminals and Automated Transport Systems - Logistics Control Issues... - Hans-Otto Günther, Kap Hwan Kim [2005, PDF] NNT 3 MB 2
Oxford English Grammar Course. Pronunciation for Grammar (Basic and Intermediate) - Michael Swan and Catherine Walter [2011, PDF] kyryllov.ale… 308 MB 0

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