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Good Boatkeeping: 2,700 Ways to Improve Life Afloat

Year: 2005
Language: English
Author: Zora Aiken
Genre: Manual
Publisher: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press
Edition: Second
ISBN: ‎ 978-0071457736
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 320
Description: For weekenders, world cruisers, and liveaboard boaters — a wide-ranging compendium of tips and projects to improve boats
Good Boatkeeping is the perfect place to turn for innovative ideas and clear instructions on how to make a good boat even better and the sweet life even sweeter. Now this updated and expanded Second Edition offers you even more inventive approaches and easy-to-implement solutions to everything from anchoring and docking to getting rid of pests.
This stand-out collection of tips and projects is carefully organized by space and activity. Each of its 27 chapters offers 100 suggestions, ideas, and how-to tips for making life onboard an absolute joy. Topics include organizing the galley, engine maintenance, optimizing storage, easier cleaning, greater comfort, and much more.
“Practical, uncomplicated, based on experience.” —WoodenBoat
Additional info: About the Author
Zora Aiken and David Aiken have lived aboard for 25 years, collaborating on many boating articles and several books. Zora has been a contributing editor to several boating magazines and a marine book editor. David is an artist member of the American Society of Marine Artists.



Good boatkeeping 2,700 ways to improve life afloat

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