gillnumil ® 24-Mar-2022 10:36

Engine Room Simulator (VLCC A Simulator)

Year: 2017
Developer: Dalian Haizhi Technology Co. Ltd.
Developer's Site:
Platform: Windows
64-bit OS compatibility: yes
System Requirements: Minimum configuration requirements of computer:
System: 64bits Windows 7 and above,
Processor: Intel Core i5 and above,
Memory: 8GB and above,
Using two 1920*1080 resolotion displays is recommended;
Network training requires installation of.NET Framwork 4.5 and Microsoft Office 2010 or above,which can be installed on the left side of the web page after clicking and downloading.
Localization: multilingual
Crack: N/A
Description: Objectives:
1. To learn the composition of marine engine simulator, to understand the relationship between various systems in the model ship, and establish the overall concept of marine electromechanical system.
2. To learn the composition, working principle, operating method, operating procedure, and management points of mechanical and electrical systems such as ship propulsion system, ship power system, auxiliary system, and anti-pollution system.
3. To master the methods of fault analysis, working condition analysis, using and debugging of marine mechanical and electrical equipments and system.
4. To master the normal operations related to the ship operations, such as cold ship startup, standby operation, constant speed navigation, safety watch, etc.
5. To master the emergency operation procedures in specific situations, cultivate the ability of emergency response, and learn communication skills, cooperation and leadership ability.
1.Download the installation program and start the program. (Operating Environment : .NET Framwork4.5) (First time program will auto update, if fails, run update again)
2. You need register to get the account. OR Users can use ‘Default Login’ to login by using the computer name and MAC address.!
3. Run the program by click the icon & Login.
4. Collaboration interface contains following functions:
a. Account management
b. Text communication
c. Training model select
d. Software update and website link
e. Operation record and replay
f. 20 Rooms and 920 ships can be selected.
Additional info: Tested & Working on Windows 10 Pro (64 bit), Verison 21H2.


Engine Room Simulator

Download [13 KB]

Thank U
rakokiable 09-Feb-2023 07:16
do you know if it possible to donwload the lng df engine simulator insde this program because i put on donwload but never start to donwload it stay in 0%
EshD 20-Feb-2023 12:50
now its not possible to downloads the simulators on this server..! server is very slow and some simulators are restricted
EshD 22-Feb-2023 22:12
@skipper3362 No need to point a finger on anybody,...! its not like that ...! if you have a solution let me know first..! without wasting the time right....! then it is easy to figure it out...! and if you have those sims better upload it...! that will be a solution and will be a good work for everyone else...!
simonovik 11-Oct-2023 17:38
How to start simulator? When I'm trying I have a message - "You do not have permission to use this simulator"
Also I can't download anything
simonovik 12-Oct-2023 18:36
I managed to fix previous problem simply dowland app from official website but still there is the problem..... It doesn't want to connect to server and I have such massage
mrbig 24-Dec-2024 21:03
I got it installed but could not get the modules to run. Not sure what to do. Only some pages are translatable. (those that did helped alot)
refresh list

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