NNT ® 23-Sep-2015 08:54

Maritime Security Manual: Guidance for port facilities, ports and ships

Year: 2011
Language: english
Author: MSC/MSWG Correspondence Group
Genre: Manual
Publisher: International Maritime Organization
Edition: 2.0
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 246
Description: The ISPS Code was produced in just over a year by the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and its Maritime Security Working Group. It contains detailed security-related requirements for Governments, port
authorities and shipping companies in a mandatory section (Part A), together with a series of guidelines about how to meet these requirements in a second, non-mandatory section (Part B).
Due to the urgent need to have security measures in place, the ISPS Code came into effect on July 1, 2004 just 18 months after its adoption. To assist Contracting Governments in exercising their implementation responsibilities, particularly those in lesser developed countries, one of the resolutions at the Diplomatic Conference invited the IMO to develop training materials and, if necessary, further guidance on various aspects of the ISPS Code. This was accomplished in the 2003-08 period through the development of model training courses; issuance of specific guidance mainly in the form of MSC Circulars; the organization of over 100 regional and national workshops; and the conduct of several advisory and assessment missions in response to requests from individual governments.
In 2009, as the IMO’s focus was shifting to other pressing security issues notably piracy and armed robbery and the implementation of Long Range Identification and Tracking systems, there was a growing recognition of the
need to reinforce ISPS Code implementation and to strengthen linkages with other IMO initiatives. In responding to this need, the IMO took stock of the training and guidance materials that it had issued over the preceding six years. It found that, while some of the materials had become out-dated, much remained relevant but was situated in an array of documentation that was not easily accessible by maritime security practitioners.
This manual has been prepared as a practical way of providing government and industry practitioners responsible for implementing the ISPS Code with a consolidated and up-to-date source of guidance material with appropriate linkages to other ongoing IMO initiatives.


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