zxc ® 26-Mar-2015 15:02

GMDSS Students Handbook

Year: 2002
Language: english
Author: Gorelikov N.
Genre: Textbook
Publisher: Riga LS Crewing & Training Company
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 129
Description: Work on the development of a new global system for distress and safety communications was initiated ten yearsago by IMO , the International Maritime Organization.
The reasons for developing a new system were, amongst other things:
a) The inadeguacy of existing distress and safety systems.
b) Modem tehnology was already being used to increase the efficiency of commercial traffic, while distress and safety communications were still using old technology and old-fashioned systems. The subseguent process of development resulted in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). which the shipping industry was able to put into use on February 1,1992.
The purpose of this book is to provide a theoretical description of, and thereby knowledge about, the basic features of the Maritime Mobile Services and the Maritime Mobile Satellite Services. The object is also to meet the requirements made in the * Examination Syllabus for General Operator's Certificate (GOC)' issued by the CEPT RR Project Team , which provides detailed overview of the theoretical sklls which must be attained by students during a ’GMDSS/GOC training course".
The book provides an introduction to each individual system used on board vessels equipped in accordance with GMDSS requirements. Furthermore , it seeks to point out to users of GMDSS equipment the vital importance of understanding the limitations and possibilities of the different systems with regard to range and coverage.
You will not find all the answers in "GMDSS Operators Course", but using the book together with equipment manuals and ITU publications should enable you to deal with most of the problems that will arise during a GMDSS course.
This book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in maritime radio communications, such as:
Navigatorsand radio officers requiring the certification
provided byan additional GMDSS course.
GMDSS instructorsat navigational colleges and training
The book is also intended to be used as a teaching aid at GMDSS training centres and navigational academy.
I have sought to build up the contents of this book by following a natural progression involving separate chapters concluded by relevant pictures which allow students easy to understand the most important points of the subject dealt in each chapter. The book is suitable for self-tuition and should be read prior to taking a GMDSS training course. In my experience , preliminary studies will substantially increase understanding of the various GMDSS systems, thereby increasing the benefit of the GMDSS course.
I should like to offer special thanks to Mr E. Gramatnieks, Senior Instructor Personnel Training Centre for GMDSS of Latvian Shipping Company , colleague to whom they are gratetol for his helpful comments and for proofreading the final work. I also wish to thank the producers of GMDSS equipment for allowing the use and reproduction of illustrations used in their brochures and data sheets.
The author wish to dedicate this book to all GMDSS Radio Operators in the hope that it will assist in maintaining the Safety of Life at Sea.


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