SerTan ® 22-Jun-2020 23:06

Guidelines for Fitness Onboard Merchant Ships

Year: 201X
Language: english
Author: ISWAN
Publisher: ISWAN
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 16
Description: Aware of the social benefits of sport, the International Committee on Seafarers’ Welfare has launched theproject: FIT ONBOARD, as one of the topics in the Seafarers’ Health Information Programme (S.H.I.P.), sponsored by the Shipowners' Club.
Onboard ship, the modern way of life is a sedentary one and opportunities for sport and fitness are limited. Evenmodern ships cannot always meet the needs of today’s seafarers: to do sport and fitness activities.
Sports activities on ships have to take into account the general safety measures on board. Ships do not always have sufficient or suitable accommodation or facilities for sport. The strict organisation of work and tasks on board does not leave a lot of time for physical activity.
SHIP encourages the individual seafarer to take responsibility for his health within his living and working environment.
Sport contributes to a general sense of physical, psychological and social well-being. Sport not only improves health but, through social interaction, it also encourages team-building.
These guidelines are designed to help the management of the vessel to facilitate and promote fitness activities.



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