kpanago1960 ® 21-Apr-2020 16:10

The Athenian Trireme - The History & Reconstruction of an Ancient Greek Warship

Year: 2000
Language: english
Author: J.S. Morrison et al.
Genre: History
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Edition: Second
ISBN: 978-0-521-56419-4
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Pages count: 347
"The Athenium Trireme" is an in-depth study of the reconstruction of a vessel based upon what scraps of information survived (chiefly snippets of dialogue in plays, a few brief passages in ancient histories, and a handful of vase paintings and the like), illuminated by modern understanding of ship design and fluid mechanics.
Based upon the research presented in this book, in the 1980's a full-sized trireme was built and, over several years, tested by the most fundamental and meaningful method -- rowing the vessel, constantly studying and modifying techniques and, where possible, physical design details.
As a result of this project, our understanding of this crucial element of Greek history is far better than ever before and we can more intelligently read the ancient sources describing the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars.
Make no mistake about it -- this is a scholarly book, but it describes a rare meeting of academia and the practical world which leaves us richer for the experience.
Shortly before the launch of the reconstructed Greek warship, Olympias, the first edition of The Athenian Trireme was published, providing historical and technical background to the reconstruction of the ship.
Since then, five seasons of experimental trials have been conducted on the ship under oar and sail, and the lessons learned have been supplemented by new archaeological discoveries and by historical, scientific and physiological research over the past fifteen years.
For this second edition, the text has been recast and a number of substantive changes have been made.
In addition, there is an entirely new chapter that describes the trials of Olympias in detail, reports the performance figures, and outlines the changes desirable in any second reconstruction.
There are nineteen new illustrations, including eleven photographs of Olympias at sea demonstrating features of the design that could be represented only by drawings in the first edition.



The Athenian Trireme - J. S. Morrison et al. - 2000.pdf

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