paolina_3 ® 17-Dec-2020 14:03

The ABC's of Arc Welding Inspection

Year: 2015
Language: english
Author: Kobe Steel Ltd
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Kobe Steel Ltd
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 93
Description: The reliability of steel structures largely depends on the quality of the welding processes: steel materials, welding consumables, welding procedures and quality control. In order to guarantee such quality, personnel involved in welding processes should have adequate knowledge of welding technology. The ABC's of Arc Welding and Inspection has been published as a textbook for beginners who study the fundamentals of welding technology and inspection. This textbook contains essential information of welding processes, welding power sources, welding consumables, welding design and fabrication, welding metallurgy and weldability, and test and inspection of weldments.



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