chayan_09 ® 26-Dec-2020 09:23

Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics

Year: 2009
Language: english
Author: Gary A. Sod
Genre: Textbook
ISBN: 978-0-521-25924-8
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages + text layer
Pages count: 457
Description: This first book of a two-volume series on numerical fluid
dynamics is concerned with finite difference methods for initial
boundary-value problems. The intention is to make the field of
numerical fluid dynamics accessible by emphasizing concepts along with
the underlying theory rather than presenting a collection of recipes
and by building on the classical methods to develop the numerical
methods on the leading edge of research.
This book, which is essentially self-contained, is intended to
be a text directed at first-year graduate students in engineering and
the physical sciences and as a reference to practitioners in the
field. It assumes a basic knowledge of partial differential equations.
The proofs of some of the classical theorems requiring a greater
knowledge of analysis are presented in appendices. This first volume
is designed for a course in numerical methods for initial boundaryvalue
problems. The numerical methods and techniques for their
analysis contained in Volume I provide the foundation for Volume II,
which deals exclusively with the equations governing fluid motion.



Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics - Gary A. Sod.pdf

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