khany ® 31-Jul-2020 18:37

Celestial Navigation: A Complete Home Study Course

Year: 2019
Language: english
Author: David Burch
Publisher: Starpath Publications
Edition: 2nd (2017), reprinted 2019
ISBN: 9780914025467
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Pages count: 296
Description: This book has been used for 30 years, updated periodically as needed. More than 20,000 students have successfully learned ocean navigation from these materials and gone on to cross oceans or circumnavigate the globe.
This book covers how to find position at sea from timed sextant sights of the sun, moon, stars, and planets plus other routine and special procedures of safe, efficient offshore navigation. No previous navigation experience is required. The only math involved is arithmetic (adding and subtracting angles and times).
This is a practical, how-to-do-it book, which also includes clear explanations of how it works and how to do it well. Plus this book includes other crucial factors of ocean navigation besides just finding out where you are from the stars, such as logbook procedures, dead reckoning, error analysis, route planning, and more. At the end of this book, you will be ready for ocean navigation.
The book includes: text, practice problems, tables selections, detailed glossary, and full solutions.
Additional info:
PDF resources (like plotting charts, work forms, etc.) from book's webpage (visit for more resources) are included.
Also corrected book as per errata report.




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Thank U
merabi201998 28-Jan-2021 17:36
Very disappointed. It would be appreciative if you had made this book available for download for everyone. It's kind of wickedness.
paolina_3 30-Jan-2021 21:45
hv4mevn, There are 15 seeders at the moment. Please check on top of the page, button DL-list & Activity or Peers List.
Lolo_21 13-Sep-2022 14:33
skipper3362, I understand that and I am sorry I wrote previous demanding comment. I would gladly post some resources here and contribute in some way, but sadly I have none, I am complete beginner that’s why I wanted to get some textbooks first
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