Ferreirolo ® 27-May-2021 20:44

Energy Transition Outlook 2020. A global and regional forecast to 2050

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: DNV GL
Genre: Methodological guide
Publisher: DNV GL
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 306
Description: At a time when we are trying to recover from the ongoing pandemic as individuals and as communities, we cannot afford to make costly mistakes. That is why I believe that the 2020 edition of our Outlook is needed now more than ever: to shine a light on a transition that represents the greatest source of risk, and opportunity, in our business environment.
For most of the current energy system we forecast a rapid energy transition between now and 2050 – effectively, within a generation. By mid-century we expect to see an energy mix split roughly equally between fossil and non-fossil sources, taking into account expected developments in policies, technologies and associated costs.
Our predictions are rooted in real-world experience with energy customers across the world spanning the full energy mix. Nevertheless, some of our readers may find our conclu- sions startling.




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