marlamamba ® 01-Jan-2022 23:54

Handbook of Practical Astronomy

Year: 2009
Language: english
Author: Günter D. Roth (ed.)
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 978-3-540-76377-2
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 737
Description: With amateurs, students and teachers of astronomy in high schools and colleges particularly in mind, the Handbook of Practical Astronomy comprises an essential source of current trends in astronomy and examines the broad variety of astronomical observations.
Methods used by amateur astronomers have changed significantly in recent years. Classical photography has been superseded by video astronomy and CCD-systems. Telescopes are now computer-controlled. The Internet has become the basis for exchanging knowledge and experience, even providing amateur observers with access to scientific data files. Personal contact can now be made worldwide without delay.
The first edition of this book was published in 1960 in Germany with the title Handbuch für Sternfreunde, followed by further editions in 1967, 1981 and 1989. The current edition has two English forerunners, Astronomy: a Handbook, published in 1975, and Compendium of Practical Astronomy, published in 1994.



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