spitzer ® 14-Apr-2022 13:03

Fire on Board Maersk Honam at Arabian Sea - TSIB

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: Transport Safety Investigation Bureau - MOT Singapore
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 102
Description: On 6 March 2018 at about 1945H (Local Time), in fine weather, the Singapore registered container ship Maersk Honam (MH), which was carrying 7860 containers, while en route from Singapore to Suez Canal, encountered a severe fire that started from no.3 cargo hold when the ship was in the Arabian Sea, about 900 nautical miles west of the coast of India.
All the 27 crew responded to fight the fire by commencing boundary cooling and subsequent release of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the cargo hold but were not successful in extinguishing the fire. The crew sent out a distress signal and eventually abandoned ship at about 2215H.
On 7 March 2018 at about 0130H, another ship, the ALS Ceres1, which had responded to the distress signal, picked up a total of 23 crew from the lifeboat. Four crew members were reported unaccounted for and declared missing. Search and Rescue (SAR) operations of the surrounding seas were carried out. One of the surviving crew succumbed to the injuries while en route ashore for medical treatment. The TSIB classified the occurrence as a very serious marine casualty and launched an investigation.



[TSIB] Fire on Board Maersk Honam at Arabian Sea (2020).pdf

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