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There Be No Dragons: How to Cross a Big Ocean in a Small Sailboat

Year: 1996
Language: english
Author: Reese Palley
Genre: Guide
Publisher: Sheridan House
Edition: First
ISBN: ‎ 978-1574090109
Format: PDF & EPUB
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 128
Description: The title of this book came from Portugese charts of the earliest voyages of discovery on which terra incognita bore the legend "beyond here there be dragons." The author wishes to convince timid sailors that they can go places off shore, where there are no dragons beyond the far horizons. It is designed to address the basic problems, imagined and real, that keep sailors from sea. It creates a realistic framework of skills and attitudes into which any sailor, skilled or unskilled, experienced or tyro, young or ancient, man or woman, may realize the dream of passaging a big ocean in a 30- to 40-foot boat....We dread the unknown only because it is unknown. The hardest thing is getting your mind made up to just go do it. -- The Ensign, May 1998
This book is written in the hope that those timid of the deep oceans might have fears allayed and thus be encouraged to set sail across the wine dark seas of the world. Reese Palley, by his own account a sailor of no great skill, has managed to circle the globe, taking fifteen years to do so, without serious happenstance. If he can do it, then the basest amateur, armed with the simplest of information and a small, sturdy boat, should be able to follow in his wake.
Additional info: About the Author
Reese Palley is an alumnus of the New School and the London School of Economics. After a successful career as an art dealer, Palley, in his late fifties, decided to go sailing. He made three transatlantic crossings and a circumnavigation in his 46-foot Ted Brewer designed sailboat, Unlikely VII. He is the author of The Porcelain Art of Edward Marshall Boehm, Unlikely Passages and numerous articles in sailing magazines.



There be no dragons _ how to cross a big ocean in a small sailboat

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