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The Liveaboard Report: A Boat Dweller's Guide to What Works and What Doesn't

Year: 1993
Language: English
Author: Charlie Wing
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: ‎ International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-0070710917
Format: PDF &EPUB
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 163
Description: What do you get when an ex-NASA engineer and statistician turned bestselling how-to-writer decides to move aboard a boat? The Liveaboard Report, a statistical analysis filled with bar charts and pie graphs that quantifies what works and what doesn't for a representative sampling of liveaboard boaters. Charlie Wing interviewed 71 liveaboards of all sorts, and asked them 400 questions about what most aspiring liveaboards want to know: What does it cost? What boat should I get? Is refrigeration worth the hassle? What anchor works best? This book is different from other liveaboard guides. This author doesn't say, "Listen up--I am an expert, and this is the way to do it." Instead, he says "I asked this question of 71 crews with 277 collective years' experience living aboard. Three percent said X, 20 percent said Y, and 77 percent said Z. Let that be your guide."



The Liveaboard Report

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