janataly ® 16-Feb-2013 17:50

Basics of oil spill cleanup

Year: 2001
Language: english
Author: Fingas, Mervin
Genre: Справочное пособие
Publisher: Lewis Publishers
Series: 2nd edition
ISBN: 1-56670-537-1
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Number of pages: 237
Description: The sea includes a wide variety of ecosystems, species, and habitats. When looking at the effects of oil spills, it is convenient to divide these into fish, plankton, benthic invertebrates, epontic organisms, marine mammals, intertidal and shoreline organisms, marine plants, and special ecosystems. Many freshwater biota respond to oil in a manner similar to their salt water counterparts. Although freshwater studies have not been as extensive as those for marine situations, few differences were noted. While oil is less soluble in freshwater, this is largely offset by the fact that many freshwater bodies are much shallower than oceans. A spill in a slough or pond can easily result in toxic concentrations throughout the entire water column. The high water circulation in most rivers, however, means that hydrocarbon concentrations in the water are diluted quickly.

The Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup

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