wks20000 ® 15-Apr-2016 23:17

Be Your Own Sailing Coach

Year: 2008
Language: english
Genre: Technical book
Publisher: Wiley
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 293
Description: The ultimate self-learning guide to sailboat racing In this practical self-coaching guide for the serious racing buff, veteran sailing coach Jon Emmett explains how anyone can improve his or her sailing technique in manageable stages. By breaking down racing into 20 key topics, Emmett shows how aspiring yacht and dinghy racers can learn to measure their own strengths and weaknesses and improve key skills step by step. The book also includes practical tips and wisdom from Olympic champions including Paul Goodison and Joe Glanfield.

(Wiley Nautical) Jon Emmett-Be Your Own Sailing Coach_ 20 Goals for Racing Success -Wiley (2008).pdf

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