janataly ® 11-May-2016 11:32

Medical First Aid Guide for use in accidents involving dangerous goods

Year: 2014
Language: english
Author: International Maritime Organization
Genre: Guide
Publisher: Polestar Wheatons (UK)
ISBN: 978-92-801-1598-7
Format: PDF/EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 56
Description: The IMO/WHO/ILO Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG) refers to the substance, material and
articles covered by the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), and the materials covered by Appendix B of the
Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code) .It is intended to provide advice necessary for initial management of chemical
poisoning and diagnosis within the limits of the facilities available at sea.
This Guide should be used in conjunction with the information provided in the IMDG Code, the BC Code, the Emergency Procedures for
Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods (EmS), the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), and the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
(IGC Code).
The MFAG itself gives general information about the particular toxic effects likely to be encountered. The treatment recommended in
this Guide is specified in the appropriate tables and more comprehensive in the appropriate sections of the Appendices.
However, differences exist between countries on certain types of treatment and where these differences occur they are indicated in the
relevant national medical guide.
Treatments in this guide cater for the accidental human consequences of the carriage of dangerous goods at sea. Accidental ingestion of
toxic substances during voyage is rare. The guide does not cover ingestion by intention.
Minor accidents involving chemicals do not usually cause severe effects provided that the appropriate first aid measures are taken.
Although the number of reported serious accidents is small, accidents involving those chemicals which are toxic or corrosive may be
dangerous, and must be regarded as being potentially serious until either the affected person has completely recovered, or medical
advice to the contrary has been obtained.
Information on the treatment of illnesses which are of a general nature and not predominantly concerned with chemical poisoning may
be found in the ILO/IMO/WHO International Medical Guide for Ships (IMGS).



You can buy it on https://www.imo.org

shcherbakov 16-May-2016 21:03
22857картинка от другой книжки
checked стоит будем надеяться что содержание соответствует заголовку
zxc 16-May-2016 21:12
22857картинка от другой книжки
checked стоит будем надеяться что содержание соответствует заголовку
Админ ленивый стал, поставил checked неглядя. Да и модератор сплоховал, ввел в заблуждение.
Вот тут полный IMDG 2014

IMDG Code Electronic Book (37-14) v. - IMO [2016]

Developer: Labelmaster Software | Year: 2014 (2016) | Language: english | Platform: Windows

Open released by NNT

А это как я понял MFAG appendix к IMDG
Перемещено в корзину. У кого есть желание переоформите правильно.

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