Arcan ® 09-Dec-2016 16:44

Chart Planner

Year: 2016
Version: 3
Developer: Datema
Platform: Windows all x86, x64
Windows7 compatibility: yes
System Requirements: • Windows XP Service Pack 3 or newer
• Minimal 512MB internal memory,
1024MB is recommended
• 300MB free disk space on the hard drive
• Additional 1GB free HD for installation
of complete NTM data set
• 256MB of free memory
Localization: english
Crack: Not needed
Description: Chartplanner software developed for the management of all your electronic charts licenses. Chartplanner3 is
our latest digital chart catalogue as part of our ENCOnline service.
Before continuing it is worth noting that there are two versions of Chartplanner available. One works with
Primar/IC-ENC charts and the other with AVCS charts.
The functionalities of both versions are exactly the same. The only difference is the type of ENC charts
which they support. The Datema Digital Team will be happy to advice you which versions suits your needs
Additional info: Both versions are included with the manual.



Download [15 KB]

Thank U
cvaigon 12-Dec-2016 00:59
Люди, как отсюда скачать карты????Нужно в формате pdf ,СМП..................
Arcan ® 12-Dec-2016 07:32
27221Люди, как отсюда скачать карты????Нужно в формате pdf ,СМП..................
Братан! Ты кажись не туда попал.... Здесь нет pdf карт и не будет.
И насчет качать я не особо уверен, если только у тебя немеряно денег.
cvaigon 12-Dec-2016 08:04
Понял , это просто утилита ,для заказа карт по сети .................
lapadu 08-Oct-2018 23:47
vsorin, there are no charts ,this is for passage planing,very useful for ordering charts & publications
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