SerTan ® 21-Dec-2016 15:44

Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation - Info, Communication & Environment

Year: 2015
Language: english
Author: A.Weintrit
Genre: Reference book
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 978-1-315-67258-8
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 285
Description: The contents of the book are partitioned into seven separate chapters: Maritime communications, Decision Support Systems, Geo-information systems and maritime spatial planning, Hydro-meteorological aspects, Inland shipping, Maritime pollution and
environment protection, and VTS - Vessel Traffic Service.
In each of them readers can find a few sub-chapters. Sub-chapters collected in the first chapter, titled ‘Maritime communications’, concerning hidden communication in the terrestrial and satellite radiotelephone channels of maritime mobile services, introduction to Inmarsat GEO space and ground segments, integration of radio and satellite automatic identification system for maritime applications, satellite antenna infrastructure on board Inmarsat spacecraft for maritime and other mobile applications, synthesis of composite biphasic signals for continuous wave radar, zero levels formation of radiation pattern linear antennas array with minimum quantity of controlling coefficients weights, radio refractivity and rain-rate estimations over northwest Aegean archipelagos for electromagnetic wave attenuation modelling and concepts of the GMDSS modernization.

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