SerTan ® 29-Mar-2017 10:20

Handbook Guidance on implementing the MLC (2006) and Social Security for Seafarers

Year: 2012
Language: english
Author: ILO
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: ILO
ISBN: 978-92-2-125537-6
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 40
Description: This Handbook has been developed to assist Members of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to implement their responsibilities under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) regarding social security for seafarers. It is intended to provide the necessary background on the subject of social security as well as practical information and guidance to government administrations concerned with implementing the MLC, 2006 in their country and to social partners when assisting in doing so.
It has been prepared in response to a request in 2006 by the 94th International Labour Conference for the promotion of the provision of effective social security for seafarers and the preparation of related material. It also responds to concerns expressed by ILO constituents on the difficulties encountered in understanding the measures need to be put in place for the proper implementation of the social security provisions of the MLC, 2006.

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