Year: 2011 Language: english Author: Lloyds Matitime Academy Genre: Reference book Format: PDF Quality: OCR without errors Pages count: 78 Description: The purpose of this module is to introduce the student to the general world of the shipping industry and the myriad of different authorities and organisations that influence the daily operation of ships and cargoes. Depending on the reference source and measure used, somewhere between 95 per cent (by weight) and 99 per cent (by volume) of all goods have, at some point, been transported by sea as part of their life history. Such trade represents a truly huge investment in terms of time and money and global shipping has a major significance to most countries both in terms of wealth generation and political importance. As can be imagined, with such a vast amount of trade, competition in the market place can be fierce. Shipping operations vary from the immensely complex and highly computerised, such as east/west container shipping with huge ships carrying thousands of containers and millions of dollars worth of goods, to the relatively simple operations of an owner/operator running a small tug in a local harbour. In all cases, the primary objective for both parties is to provide a service that delivers what the client needs at an economic price. In order to regulate this trade and market place there tend to be two types of influence; authorities and industry organisations. The authorities tend to produce prescriptive, compulsory regulations whilst industry organisations tend to promulgate information and promote good practice. Both have their role to play in the world of ship operations and the superintendent needs to know how this all fits together, and where to go for assistance as and when required. Ships are governed, in terms of their standards, by the regulations of the flag state - the state under whose laws the vessel is registered or licensed. Some flag states take the responsibility of setting and maintaining standards seriously, and some do not. In either event, the international community sets general standards (based on the lowest common denominator of what is achievable) through the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
The FuncTion oF inTernaTional Shipping 4 Introduction 4 The Function of Shipping 4 The Shipping Industry 5 2. inTernaTional regulaTion oF Shipping 7 International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 7 IMO and Standards of World Shipping 9 IMO Conventions 9 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 11 (with protocols in 1978 and 1988) – SOLAS International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for 15 Seafarers 1978 Amendments 1995 (STCW) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 17 (with protocols in 1978 and 1997) - MARPOL Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 18 1972 - COLREGs International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 22 International Labour Organisation (ILO) 22 The Maritime Labour Convention - MLC 23 3. Flag STaTeS 24 Introduction 24 The Role of the Flag State in International Standards 24 Flags of Convenience 25 Port State Control 26 The Hierarchy of Standards 27 The Maritime and Coastguard Agency - MCA 28 The Marine Accident Investigation Branch - MAIB 29 4. claSSiFicaTion SocieTieS and The role oF claSS 30 Introduction 30 Background History of Ship Classification Societies 31 International Association of Classification Societies – IACS 32 The Role of a Classification Society 33 Ship Classification Services 33 Statutory Services 33 Research and Development 34 5. induSTry organiSaTionS and inFormaTion SourceS 35 Introduction 35 International Transport Workers Federation - ITF 35 International Chamber of Shipping - ICS 36 International Shipping Federation - ISF 38 The Baltic and International Maritime Council - BIMCO 40 Oil Companies International Marine Forum - OCIMF 41 Ship Inspection Report - SIRE 42 The International Association of Dry Cargo Ship owners - Intercargo 43 International Ship Management Association - InterManager 44 International Association of Independent Tanker Owners - INTERTANKO 45 Tanker Structures Cooperative Forum - TSCF 46 The International Parcel Tankers Association - IPTA 48 Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators - SIGTTO 49 Chemical Distribution Institute - CDI 50 Cruise Lines International Association - CLIA 51 Lloyd’s of London 53 The Baltic Exchange 55 International Organisation for Standardization - ISO 58 Ship Builders and Ship Repairers Association - SSA 60 Society of Maritime Industries- SMI 61 Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology - IMarEST 62 The Nautical Institute - NI 62 Royal Institution of Naval Architects - RINA 63 Other Organisations 64 Sources of Information 64 6. Shipping company organiSaTion 66 Introduction 66 Ship Owning 66 Ship Management 66 Essential Requirements for Good Ship Management 68 Key Personnel in Management 69 Other Key Positions 71 7. role oF The SuperinTendenT 72 Introduction 72 Roles and Responsibilities 72 Ship Visits 73 Ship Information and Particulars 73 The Working Environment 73 8. Student Assignment 75
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Diploma in Ship Superintendency - Module 1
Year: 2011
Language: english
Author: Lloyds Matitime Academy
Genre: Reference book
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Pages count: 78
Description: The purpose of this module is to introduce the student to the general world of the shipping industry and the
myriad of different authorities and organisations that influence the daily operation of ships and cargoes.
Depending on the reference source and measure used, somewhere between 95 per cent (by weight) and
99 per cent (by volume) of all goods have, at some point, been transported by sea as part of their life history.
Such trade represents a truly huge investment in terms of time and money and global shipping has a major
significance to most countries both in terms of wealth generation and political importance.
As can be imagined, with such a vast amount of trade, competition in the market place can be fierce. Shipping
operations vary from the immensely complex and highly computerised, such as east/west container shipping
with huge ships carrying thousands of containers and millions of dollars worth of goods, to the relatively simple
operations of an owner/operator running a small tug in a local harbour. In all cases, the primary objective for
both parties is to provide a service that delivers what the client needs at an economic price.
In order to regulate this trade and market place there tend to be two types of influence; authorities and
industry organisations. The authorities tend to produce prescriptive, compulsory regulations whilst industry
organisations tend to promulgate information and promote good practice. Both have their role to play in the
world of ship operations and the superintendent needs to know how this all fits together, and where to go for
assistance as and when required.
Ships are governed, in terms of their standards, by the regulations of the flag state - the state under whose laws
the vessel is registered or licensed. Some flag states take the responsibility of setting and maintaining standards
seriously, and some do not. In either event, the international community sets general standards (based on the
lowest common denominator of what is achievable) through the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
The FuncTion oF inTernaTional Shipping 4Introduction 4
The Function of Shipping 4
The Shipping Industry 5
2. inTernaTional regulaTion oF Shipping 7
International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 7
IMO and Standards of World Shipping 9
IMO Conventions 9
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 11
(with protocols in 1978 and 1988) – SOLAS
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for 15
Seafarers 1978 Amendments 1995 (STCW)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 17
(with protocols in 1978 and 1997) - MARPOL
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 18
1972 - COLREGs
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 22
International Labour Organisation (ILO) 22
The Maritime Labour Convention - MLC 23
3. Flag STaTeS 24
Introduction 24
The Role of the Flag State in International Standards 24
Flags of Convenience 25
Port State Control 26
The Hierarchy of Standards 27
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency - MCA 28
The Marine Accident Investigation Branch - MAIB 29
4. claSSiFicaTion SocieTieS and The role oF claSS 30
Introduction 30
Background History of Ship Classification Societies 31
International Association of Classification Societies – IACS 32
The Role of a Classification Society 33
Ship Classification Services 33
Statutory Services 33
Research and Development 34
5. induSTry organiSaTionS and inFormaTion SourceS 35
Introduction 35
International Transport Workers Federation - ITF 35
International Chamber of Shipping - ICS 36
International Shipping Federation - ISF 38
The Baltic and International Maritime Council - BIMCO 40
Oil Companies International Marine Forum - OCIMF 41
Ship Inspection Report - SIRE 42
The International Association of Dry Cargo Ship owners - Intercargo 43
International Ship Management Association - InterManager 44
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners - INTERTANKO 45
Tanker Structures Cooperative Forum - TSCF 46
The International Parcel Tankers Association - IPTA 48
Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators - SIGTTO 49
Chemical Distribution Institute - CDI 50
Cruise Lines International Association - CLIA 51
Lloyd’s of London 53
The Baltic Exchange 55
International Organisation for Standardization - ISO 58
Ship Builders and Ship Repairers Association - SSA 60
Society of Maritime Industries- SMI 61
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology - IMarEST 62
The Nautical Institute - NI 62
Royal Institution of Naval Architects - RINA 63
Other Organisations 64
Sources of Information 64
6. Shipping company organiSaTion 66
Introduction 66
Ship Owning 66
Ship Management 66
Essential Requirements for Good Ship Management 68
Key Personnel in Management 69
Other Key Positions 71
7. role oF The SuperinTendenT 72
Introduction 72
Roles and Responsibilities 72
Ship Visits 73
Ship Information and Particulars 73
The Working Environment 73
8. Student Assignment 75
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