virtual ® 15-Nov-2018 15:48

Guidance on LNG Bunkering to Port Authorities and Administrations

Year: 2018
Language: english
Author: EMSA
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 430
Description: The procedures used to develop this document included consultation with different stakeholders,
including port authorities, maritime administrations, terminal, gas suppliers and government
representatives and with the LNG experts sub-group of the European Sustainable Shipping Forum
(ESSF). Further to all consultations the work has been assisted by an online survey that allowed all
participating ports and other stakeholders to contribute. The result is a document holding an ambivalent
“informative” and “guidance” nature, aiming to provide Port Authorities/Administrations with the
necessary advice and reference to guide their actions throughout the planning and operational stages of
LNG bunkering.



EMSA Guidance on LNG Bunkering.pdf

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