virtual ® 30-Nov-2018 16:15

Autonomous Ships

Year: 2016
Language: english
Author: Futurenautics
Publisher: Future Nautics & Inmarsat
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 32
Description: Futurenautics' mission is to
engage, inform, support and
inspire the current and future
leaders of the shipping and maritime
industry. Together with a programme
of major industry research projects Futurenautics
also publishes a quarterly
journal, website, and holds a variety of
events and other resources to help contextualise
current technology trends for
the shipping and maritime industry as it
enters its technology-enabled future.
As part of its annual programme Futurenautics
holds a global series of highlevel
roundtable discussions. These
small, closed events for senior leaders
focus on key trends and developments,
promoting the exchange of ideas, best
practice and a greater understanding
of how shipping's partners, customers,
stakeholders and regulators are approaching
the technology-enabled future.
Following these roundtables Futurenautics
produces a White Paper which
it shares with the wider industry to promote
discussion, provide information,
and encourage and support leaders as
they navigate a rapidly changing business




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