marlamamba ® 28-Feb-2019 18:56

Transfer of Personnel by Crane between Vessels

Year: 2018
Language: english
Author: Oil Companies International Marine Forum
Genre: Guide
Publisher: OCIMF
Edition: 1st
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 39
Description: This information paper is intended to help vessel operators and owners, Masters, officers, Marine Superintendents and Mooring Masters evaluate the risks associated with the transfer of personnel by a vessel’s onboard crane. The paper contains recommendations on equipment and good operating practices that will enhance the overall safety of personnel transfer operations. It is not a set of rules and if more stringent international, national or local regulations apply they must always take precedence.
The use of an onboard crane for the transfer of personnel has inherent risks. This paper highlights those risks and provides guidance that should be used in the risk assessment process to determine the method of transfer. Cranes can be used to transfer personnel between two vessels of similar size, e.g. Ship to Ship (STS) transfers, but also between vessels of different sizes, e.g. between a large tanker and a smaller vessel. Crane transfers are typically completed using a Personnel Transfer Basket (PTB). In this paper, the term PTB is used to describe the piece of equipment in which personnel are transferred and includes collapsible basket and rigid capsule types.



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