14qjrv080190 ® 04-Mar-2019 23:01

Kongsberg Norcontrol Neptune Simulator BigView3 MC90-V v.

Year: 2012
Developer: Kongsberg
Platform: Windows
Localization: english
Crack: N/A
Description: Crew competence is the key to improve economy and safety in the maritime industry. Understanding the process is crucial for engineers to achieve optimum engine control in day-to-day operations and for handling emergencies and abnormal situations that might occur.
As a major world-wide supplier of ship automation and control systems, KONGSBERG has a detailed knowledge of the systems and processes onboard and a thorough understanding of the industry’s training needs.
To meet the present and future training needs in the maritime and offshore industry, we have developed a sophisticated engine room simulator, K-Sim® Engine (previously known as Neptune). K-Sim® Engine includes a range of engine models, all of which are certified by DNV GL and exceeds the existing STCW requirements.
Note:Not Crack yet.


MC90-V BigView3 Simulator -

Download [15 KB]

Thank U
14qjrv080190 ® 08-Mar-2019 06:55
chrysanthos, you can't use this app..unless you have crack or license key..I recomend you to use the 2.5 version..but if you insist..pm me for your password
esong2 25-Apr-2019 13:37
14qjrv080190, sir i cant open this kongsberg simulator , they need a licensed key what i can do so sir?
thank u .
14qjrv080190 ® 26-Apr-2019 03:24
esong2, i can't use it either..i'm still waiting for the crack..for now just use the 2.5 version..besides this version is 2.4..2.5 version is more advance compare to this..and it has cracked included..
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