gillnumil ® 26-Jun-2019 10:32

Maritime Security Charts

Year: 2019
Language: english
Author: UKHO & IHO
Genre: Other
Publisher: UKHO & IHO
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 7
Description: ADMIRALTY Maritime Security Charts contain safety-critical information to assist bridge crews in the planning of safe passages through high risk areas. All information has been gathered by the UKHO through work with NATO and other government organisations, ensuring each chart has the most accurate, up-to-date and verified information available.​
Each Maritime Security Chart includes:
-​​Information about dangers to the security of navigation including piracy, terrorism, embargoes, mine warfare, exclusion zones, blockades and illegal fishing. This information, when used alongside official navigational charts, can help to ensure the safety of ships, crew and cargo.
-General security advice, self-protective measures, security procedures and regional contacts, as well as routeing and reporting requirements implemented by military or security forces.
Additional info: Also included Maritime Security Chart by Indian Hydrgraphic Office required for vessels calling Indian ports and complying with INSPIRES/INDSAR reporting.


UKHO: Q6099, Q6110, Q6111, Q6112, Q6113, Q6114 &
IHO: IN5010


Maritime Security Charts 2019

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