Gogo81 ® 26-Oct-2019 17:01

Understanding boat design

Year: 1993
Language: english
Author: Ted Brewer
Genre: Technical book
Publisher: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press
Edition: 4th edition
ISBN: 978-0070076945
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 160
Description: Brewer provides as good a basic introduction to small craft design as you could ever hope to find. If more people read this book before buying a boat, they'd likely make a much better choice and be a lot happier.''
This tight little book should be required reading.''
The clear, non-technical language, logical development of the subject, and the scope of the publication make Understanding Boat Design a success.''
One of the cleanest and clearest expositions on the elements of yacht design ever published.--By a naval architect who knows what he is talking about.''
Understanding Boat Design has been the place to look for quick, uncomplicated answers since 1971. Founder of the Yacht Design Institute, a highly respected designer for more than 30 years, and a frequent contributor to SAIL, Cruising World, and other magazines, Ted Brewer has again revised his classic primer. This new volume has been greatly expanded and contains information on many aspects of design that were not even thought of twenty years ago.



Understanding boat design

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