Vitbar192 ® 13-Nov-2019 10:47

The Seafarers - The Spanish Main

Year: 1979
Language: english
Author: Wood P.
Genre: History
Publisher: Time-Life Books, Inc.
ISBN: 978-0809427215
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 184
Description: The Ruthless Conquest of a Golden Aztec Empire, The First Challenges to the Lords of the Main, Carrying the King's Wealth to the Coffers of Seville, The Merchant who Enflamed Spain's New World, The Fire and Fury of El Dragon, The Heretics Who Humbled the Might of Spain, The Rise of a Bloodthirsty Brotherhood, A Sea-Roving Devil Named Henry Morgan, The Sacking of Cartagena - A Last Bold Stroke, Essay: A New Era of Naval Warfare on the Embattled Main



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