Vitbar192 ® 09-Dec-2019 22:02

Warships - From the Galley to the Present Day

Year: 2001
Language: english
Author: Marriott L.
Genre: History
Publisher: PRC Publishing
ISBN: 0517163861
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 264
Description: A chronological look, with four color throughout, of the warship from the oared galley to the sleek, deadly, nuclear-powered hunter-killers of the 21st century. There are over 100 maps and 500 photos in black and white and color covering everything from the ancient world, the Middle Ages, the development of the big guns, aircraft carriers, and submarines to the guided missiles of today.



Marriott L.. Warships - From the Galley to the Present Day, 2001.pdf

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