kalel20 ® 17-Apr-2020 19:37

Anchoring Systems and Procedures for Large Tankers

Year: 1982
Language: english
Author: OCIMF
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Witherby Seamanship International Ltd
Edition: 1982
ISBN: 0900886730
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 34
Description: Why is it thought that this booklet is needed?
It is because experienced seamen are losing anchors and/or cable, or
experiencing windlass damage when anchoring VLCCs. This indicates that
there is a need to consider the anchoring systems and the application of
techniques to assist Masters and Owners in a better understanding of the factors
Present anchoring arrangements for large vessels were developed by
various bodies from a vast experience with anchors, equipment, and systems on
smaller vessels.
In the early 1960's, before the advent of VLCCs, the International
Association of Classification Societies (IACS) laid down ground rules
governing the requirements for ship's anchoring equipment. Basically the
requirements were that ships should be fitted with equipment capable of holding
the ship at anchor in sheltered and semi-sheltered waters in winds of up to gale
force strength. The rules only covered the broad parameters of the anchor
system, chain diameter, and anchor weight for example. Many of the other
components within the system were left to the discretion of the shipbuilder or
The anchoring equipment on smaller vessels is generally acceptable, but
equipment on larger vessels is subject to criticism and in some cases may even be
regarded as being below an acceptable standard. Certainly anchors cannot bc
used on ä large ship with the same degree of versatility as they are being used on
small ships, where they are routinely used to assist in making certain mancouvres.




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