Arcan ® 12-May-2020 11:23

Samyung BNW-50 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System User Manual

Year: 2012
Language: english
Author: Samyung ENC
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Samyung ENC
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 62
Description: The purpose of a bridge navigational watch alarm system is to monitor the bridge activity and detect
operator disability which could lead to marine accidents. The system monitors awareness of the Watch
officer and automatically alerts the Master or another qualified person if for any reason watch officer
becomes incapable of performing watch officer’s duties. This purpose is achieved by series of indications
and alarm to alert first the watch officer and, if he is not responding, then to alert Master or another
qualified person. Additionally, the BNWAS provide the watch officer with means of calling for immediate
assistance if required. BNWAS must operate whenever heading or track control system is interlocking
unless prohibited by the captain.
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) from IMO requires BNWAS that meets the new IMO performance
standard requirement.
Existing Vessel requires to install the equipment before the first inspection after the below date.
▷ Existing passenger ship and Vessels under 3000t: 1st JULY 2012.
▷ Existing vessels over 500t: 1st JULY 2013..
▷ Existing vessels over 150t: 1st July 2014.
New Vessel must install the equipment by:
▷ New Vessels over 150t, and vessels constructed after the 1st July 2011 must be equipped with
Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS).



Samyung BNW-50 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System User Manual

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