pettabigil ® 16-Jul-2020 15:02

Oil Tanker Familiarisation

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: Various
Genre: Training courses
Publisher: PMA
Edition: 1
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 125
Description: SCOPE
This course provides training for officers and ratings assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to
cargo and cargo equipment on tankers. It compromises a familiarization training programme appropriate
to their duties and responsibilities, including characteristics of tanker cargoes, their associated hazards,
safety measures, pollution prevention, emergency operations, cargo equipment and operations.
The course takes account of section A-V/1 of the STCW code adopted by the International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers 1978, as amended in 2010.
Successful completion of this course should enable trainees to serve on Oil/Gas/Chemical tankers in a
capacity other than Master, chief engineer officer, chief mate or second engineer officer, and to perform
specific duties and responsibilities related to those duties in connection with cargo and cargo equipment,
provided that they are not immediately responsible for the loading, discharging, care in transit or handling
of cargo.
This course is open to seafarers who intend to serve on board Oil/Gas/Chemical tankers as part of the
regular complement with assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo and cargo
equipment on tankers, and who have completed an appropriate approved basic fire-fighting in addition to
the training required by regulation VI/1 as stipulated in STCW regulation V/1, paragraph 1, refer chart on
next page (Flow chart).
The tanker familiarization course must be approved by the Administration, officers and ratings who are
qualified in accordance with regulation V/1, paragraph 1, as appropriate, shall be issued with an
appropriate certificate.
An existing certificate may be suitably endorsed by the issuing Administer



tanker familiarization

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Thank U
pettabigil ® 27-Jul-2020 10:55
Vitbar192, sir.. thank u for your help and support... from next time i will try to release without any issues...
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