Vitbar192 ® 05-Aug-2020 07:27

Make Money With Your Captain's License - How to Get a Job or Run a Business on a Boat

Year: 2007
Language: english
Author: Brown D.
Genre: Guide
Publisher: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 0071475230
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 258
Description: A practical guide to turning your love for boating into money in the bank You may dream of making your passion for the sport a means for a livelihood. Whether you are looking for new employment possibilities or wanting to remain active in your golden years, Captain Brown can help turn your dreams of making money afloat into a reality. Brown describes how to get a job on a boat or run a practical boat-based business, including fishing charters, excursions, dinner cruises, and water taxis. He also covers business issues, safety, marketing, liability, and Coast Guard licensing requirements. The author details the possible ups and downs and risks about running a boat-based business.
Additional info: About the Author
David G. Brown, coauthor of Boatbuilding with Baltek DuraKore, The Last Log of the Titanic, and White Hurricane, holds a 100-ton Master’s license, and has run commercial boats for 16 years. He owns and operates a water taxi and excursion boat on the Maumee River in Toledo, Ohio.



Brown D. Make Money With Your Captain's License - How to Get a Job or Run a Business on a Boat, 2007.pdf

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Thank U
anaif03 10-Oct-2020 00:26
skipper3362, Just for my info I don't want to go against the community rules so the comment area for which propose can be use? I found 4 publication that I really like and I want only to show my appreciation in a deeper way respect the thank you button that in my opinion look very unpersonal and I have been banned for 5 days. I was not advertise product or service just be thankful for sharing. Do you think maybe is too much to ban people for this? From now on I will never ever write anything else, but I think this is not beneficial for the community
zxc 10-Oct-2020 02:11
69976a deeper way respect the thank you button that in my opinion look very unpersonal

Great comments. Nothing to say.. Use PM - that are 100% personal






I know about your second account and I know for what purpose you created it
anaif03 10-Oct-2020 23:58
skipper3362, I am super fine with you all all community just would like to learn how it works especially to improve the reputation I thought that share my sincere appreciation could be a way to improve the reputation maybe I wrong. Одобряю Круто!!! Круто!!! Круто!!! Круто!!! Круто!!! Anyway peace brother! Гуд!
anaif03 11-Oct-2020 00:04
zxc, are all hand made as you can see is NOT a copy and paste all different, more over we are talking about ONLY 3 messages this is not a flood. You don't like my message fine I respect you, the rule is to use the thank you button fine I will, but ban me I am opinion is a bit radical decision. I would like only to start a friendly conversation with people in the community and I thought that this was a good way to do. Again my feedback is that in this "exaggerate" way to moderate the community you guys are not incentive discussions with members and is not beneficial to the community. Again I will never ever write anything to no one I will only download file and I can share something too.
anaif03 11-Oct-2020 00:07
zxc, more over I just noticed that I got banned and also remove one reputation point this is insane!!! For ONLY 3 friendly message all writes manually to start a friendly conversation with the community, this is NOT a forum moderation! I would definitely more professional admit to had exaggerate in your reaction and realize that this is not the right way to moderate a community
anaif03 11-Oct-2020 00:16
zxc, for what concern the second account that you mentioned I was here with my brother of mine showing the community and I created an account for him with my second email this is not possible too? And we pressed to try if were possible to like one post but is not possible that's it this is the reason why you punished me and removed one reputation point? There is just an alert thats it. To be honest the reason is simply that I dont understand the reputation works and I wanted to see.
For this do you remove one point?
anaif03 11-Oct-2020 00:18
zxc, you know what... there is not reason to do this you are the boss here you decide now probably because I showed my honest feedback and my
resentment you will ban me, for much less I got banned.
refresh list

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