Vitbar192 ® 05-Aug-2020 21:48

Caught by the Sea - My Life on Boats

Year: 2001
Language: english
Author: Gary P.
Genre: History
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
ISBN: 0440407168
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 52
Description: Another such wave could easily be the end of us. I had to do something, fix something, save the boat, save myself.
But what?
Gary Paulsen takes readers along on his maiden voyage, proving that ignorance can be bliss. Also really stupid and incredibly dangerous. He tells of boats that have owned him—good, bad, and beloved—and how they got him through terrifying storms that he survived by sheer luck. His spare prose conjures up shark surprises and killer waves as well as moonlight on the sea, and makes readers feel what it’s like to sail under the stars or to lie at anchor in a tropical lagoon where dolphins leap, bathed in silver. Falling in love with the ocean set Gary Paulsen on a lifelong learning curve and readers will understand why his passion has lasted to this day.
Additional info: About the Author
Three-time Newbery-winning author Gary Paulsen, hailed as "one of the best-loved writers alive" by the New York Times, divides his time between his ranch in New Mexico, a sailboat on the Pacific Ocean, and his dog-kennel in Alaska. He's written over 200 books for young people, stories that have been embraced by readers of all ages. --Este texto se refiere a la edición kindle_edition .



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