Ferreirolo ® 19-Aug-2020 19:12

Safe container transport north of the Wadden Islands: Lessons learned following the loss of containers from MSC ZOE

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: J.R.V.A. Dijsselbloem
Genre: Methodological guide
Publisher: Dutch Safety Board
Edition: 1
ISBN: n/a
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 114
Description: In the night of 1 to 2 January 2019, the MSC ZOE lost 342 containers north of the Wadden Islands, while sailing towards Bremerhaven, Germany, in a stormy northwesterly wind in the Terschelling-German Bight traffic separation scheme (known as the southern shipping route) to the German port of Bremerhaven. The course of events of this very serious marine casualty was investigated by an international investigation team comprising the Panama Maritime Authority (PMA), the German Bundesstelle für Seeunfalluntersuchung (BSU) and the Dutch Safety Board. The report of this investigation considers the causes of the accident and the potential lessons learned.
The accident also led the Dutch Safety Board to launch an additional investigation into the route-specific risks on the shipping routes north of the Wadden Islands, which can lead to the loss of containers for large container ships like the MSC ZOE. This report describes the findings of that investigation. The findings from the two investigations into the accident with the MSC ZOE were exchanged and the reports (and recommendations) harmonized.
Modelling of the high-risk situation as experienced in the accident scenario of the MSC ZOE
The Dutch Safety Board requested the knowledge and research institutes Deltares and MARIN to contribute to the investigation based on their areas of expertise to gain a greater insight into the extent to which the environmental conditions on the shipping routes north of the Wadden Islands contribute to the risk of the loss of containers by large ships. Using measurement data and models, Deltares calculated the current, sea level, wind and wave conditions for reference positions on the southern and northern shipping routes at the moment of the accident with the MSC ZOE. A stormy northwesterly wind on the North Sea like that experienced during the occurrence on average occurs between one and several times a year in the area. In the event of such a northwesterly wind, the waves have both the time and the space to build in height and peak period before they reach the Dutch and German Wadden coastline. In these conditions, the wave direction is at right angles to the southern and northern shipping routes. MARIN made calculations and undertook basin tests with a ship model of a large container ship to gain a greater insight into the ship motions under these conditions. The basin tests revealed that in these conditions, with beam seas, large and wide container ships can be caused to make severe motions. Specifically these ships normally sail with high stability; they are in principle more difficult to upset from their steady state and as a result also return more rapidly to that steady state. This combined investigation has provided a new insight into the circumstances, ship motions and phenomena that occur in the area north of the Wadden Islands.




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