Vitbar192 ® 23-Aug-2020 07:14

Principles of Modern Radar Vol.1- Basic Principles

Year: 2010
Language: english
Author: Richards M.A., Scheer J.A., Holm W.A.
Genre: Textbook
Publisher: SciTech Publishing
ISBN: 1891121529
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 962
Description: Principles of Modern Radar: Basic Principles is a comprehensive and modern textbook for courses in radar systems and technology at the college senior and graduate student level; a professional training textbook for formal in-house courses for new hires; a reference for ongoing study following a radar short course; and a self-study and professional reference book.
While several established books address introductory radar systems, Principles of Modern Radar differs from these in its breadth of coverage, its emphasis on current methods (without losing sight of bedrock principles), and its adoption of an appropriate level of quantitative rigor for the intended audience of students and new professional hires.
The manuscript for this book was reviewed by over 50 volunteer professionals (see Acknowledgments) in academia, military, and commercial enterprises. Their extensive comments, corrections, and insights ensure that Principles of Modern Radar will meet the needs of modern radar educators and students around the world. Written and edited by world-renowned radar instructors and critically reviewed by users before publication, this is truly a "radar community-driven" book.



Richards M.A., Scheer J.A., Holm W.A. Principles of Modern Radar Vol.1- Basic Principles, 2010.pdf

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