gillnumil ® 12-Sep-2020 21:28

Handbook For Marine Radio Communication

Year: 2004
Language: english
Author: G.D. Lees & W.G. Williamson
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: LLP
Edition: 4th
ISBN: 1-84311-368-66
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Pages count: 412
Description: The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System is now a well established maritime communications system. Operational experience gained over a number of years has led to changes in the regulations relating to GMDSS and innovative ways of using the system have also occurred. Major changes in technology have been introduced to GMDSS since the last edition of this work was published, for example Inmarsat has launched their Fleet services with priority preemption.
The IMO has advocated the use of GMDSS for communication during piracy attacks and there has been significant changes in the maintenance and testing of EPIRBs. In this edition the distress chapter and satellite communications chapters have been amended to reflect these changes, and in view of their importance, a separate chapter has been devoted to EPIRBs and other sub-systems.



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