Daniboi ® 23-Sep-2020 10:45

A guide to collision avoidance rules

Year: 2012
Language: english
Author: A. N. Cockcroft and J. N. F. Lameijer
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 259
Description: When the Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea were revised at an International Conference held in 1960 the changes made were generally of minor character.
Soon after the amended Regulations came into force in 1965 it became apparent that
a more thorough revision was necessary to take account of such developments as the
widespread acceptance and use of radar, the introduction of trafic separation and the
increase in size and speed of many ships. At an International Conference held in
October 1972 substantial changes were made and a new format was adopted. The
1972 Regulations came into force in 1977.




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