Vitbar192 ® 28-Sep-2020 09:39

Alone - The True Story of the Man Who Fought the Sharks, Waves, and Weather of the Pacific and Won

Year: 2011
Language: english
Author: D'Aboville G.
Genre: History
Publisher: Arcade Publishing
ISBN: 978-1611451122
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 112
Description: This is the incredible true story of one man’s heroic battle against impossible odds, a tale of pain and anguish, bravery and utter solitude, a tale that ends in a victory not only over the implacable ocean but over himself as well.
At the age of forty-five, Gerard d’Aboville set out to row across the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the United States. Taking his rowboat the Sector, which had a living compartment thirty-one inches high, containing a bunk, one-burner stove, and a ham radio, d’Aboville made his way across an ocean 6,200 miles wide. Though he rowed twelve hours a day, battled cyclones and headwinds that kept him in one place for days at a time, was capsized dozens of times forty-foot waves that hit him like cannonballs, he never quit; even when he was trapped upside down inside his cabin for almost two hours while nearly depleting his oxygen trying to right the boat.
One hundred and thirty-four days after his departure, d’Aboville arrived in the little fishing village of Ilwaco, Washington, leaving his body bruised and battered, and weighing thirty-seven pounds less. This is his story.



D'Aboville G. Alone - The True Story of the Man, 2011.epub

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