paolina_3 ® 05-Oct-2020 10:57

Sailor 6110 mini-C GMDSS User Manual

Year: 2012
Language: english
Author: Thrane & Thrane
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Thrane & Thrane
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 128
Description: Inmarsat C is a two-way store and forward communication system, designed to send and receive data packets, via relatively small and low-cost terminals and antennas, virtually anywhere in the world, ship-ship, ship-shore, and shore-ship. To comply with GMDSS requirements Inmarsat C and Mini C terminals include an integrated Global Navigational Satellite Services (GNSS) receiver, providing automatic terminal position updates and reporting when a distress alert is initiated.
The SAILOR 6110 is a GMDSS approved communication system designed for use with the Inmarsat C satellite network, and supports the following services:
- Distress alerting and Distress priority messaging
- Enhanced Group Calling (EGC), via SafetyNET or FleetNET
- Message transmission
- Position reporting
- Data reporting and polling
The basic Inmarsat 6110 mini-C system consists of a small omnidirectional antenna SAILOR 3027, a SAILOR 6006 Message Termimnal, a SAILOR 1252 Printer, and a SAILOR 6101/6103 Alarm Panel.



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