khubza ® 11-Jan-2021 15:58

Aquamaster - Azimuth Thruster ( The Magic Of Aquamaster )

Year: nill
Developer: nill
Platform: Windows
Localization: english
Crack: Not needed
Description: ASD Tug training simulation, Basic Handling maneuver Tugboat
Azimuths Stern Drive, how working with this system
Mostly ship propulsions use in harbor Tug around the world
Azimuth, more commonly known as ASD (Azimuth Stern Drive), equipped with two stern engines capable of generating a 360°, all directional propulsion force. ASD tugs normally have a towing winch forward and, when commercially required, a towing winch and/or towing hook aft.
harbor tug, tug boat, twin screw, conventional stan tug,
for everyone who wants to know how to handling as Tug Master with ASD Propulsion,
Azimuthing Stern Drive (ASD) tug, stern drive azimuth tug – The tug with two azimuth thrusters under the stern. ASD tugs perform the majority of towing operations over the bow, from a winch mounted on the foredeck
The generally accepted meaning for the term "Tractor Tug" is a tug that would supply maneuvering and/or docking traction for vessels lacking that ability. Tractor tugs with Z-drive (or azimuth thruster) propulsion systems, were specially designed for tasks such as ship docking and marine construction.
Harbour tugs typically range from 20 to 32 meters in length and have power ranging from 2,000 to 4,000 kW, although there are exceptions to this depending on the size of port and types of ships handled. Many harbor tugs are simple day boats where the crew is aboard only to do each job.
Azimuth Stern Drive Tug range has proven design and provide up to 100 t bollard pull. Damen ASD Tugs are compact and powerful with speed max 14,3 kts.


Aquamaster - Azimuth Thruster ( The Magic Of Aquamaster ).EXE

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ayyash1337 17-May-2021 22:35
Sadly there are no peers and seeders at all ... any posibility sharing this another way?
alexandroskatsas 24-Nov-2021 21:43
hi every body. there is no any seeders and no peels. so is not possible to download the application.
thanks in advance.
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