Ferreirolo ® 02-Feb-2021 22:56

Safety & Sustainability of Shipping and Offshore Activities in the Arctic

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: Imarest
Genre: Guide
Publisher: Imarest
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 23
Description: Global warming is particularly evident in the Arctic. The steady reduction of the Arctic sea ice has been well documented, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- mate Change (IPCC) reporting that Arctic sea-ice extent has decreased by 2.9% per decade over the 1978-1996 period; sea ice has thinned, and there are now more melt days per summer. There is broad consensus that this warming trend will continue and that the Arctic may eventually become ice-free during the summer. Aside from the environmental effects of such a warm- ing, other consequences are the augmented possibility of the opening up of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) for high volume commercial traffic, a likelihood of increased offshore activities as well as a higher volume of tourist activities. Any increase in commercial activity is likely to bring with it associated risks to the environment, to as- sets, and to people.




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