adita ® 12-Mar-2015 20:33

Medium Speed Engine Simulator For Cadets

Year: 2001
Version: v.
Developer: UNITEST
Platform: PC
Compatibility with Windows7: yes
Language: english
Crack: not needed
Description: General description and application
The UNITEST MS Engine Room Simulator has been based on typical solutions, being presently used in medium-sized engine rooms (two four-stroke type main engines with reduction gear and CPP - controllable pitch propeller).
This simulator is designated for training students of maritime academies as well as for different types of marine vocational training centres. The simulator has universal features and may be used both for training merchant and navy fleet crew.
The main purpose of the simulator is the practical preparation of the trainee for engine room operation, and more particularly:
- familiarization with the basic engine room installation (compressed air system, fresh and sea water cooling system, lubricating and fuel oil system, gear and CPP hydraulic system);
- acknowledgment with main engines and auxiliary equipment starting procedure;
- propulsion system manoeuvring (main engines - reduction gear - CPP).


General description and application
The UNITEST MS Engine Room Simulator has been based
on typical solutions, being presently used in medium-sized
engine rooms (two four-stroke type main engines with
reduction gear and CPP - controllable pitch propeller).
This simulator is designated for training students of
maritime academies as well as for different types of
marine vocational training centres. The simulator has
universal features and may be used both for training
merchant and navy fleet crew.

The main purpose of the simulator is the practical preparation
of the trainee for engine room operation, and more particularly:
- familiarization with the basic engine room installation (compressed
air system, fresh and sea water cooling system, lubricating
and fuel oil system, gear and CPP hydraulic system);
- acknowledgment with main engines and auxiliary equipment starting
- propulsion system manoeuvring (main engines - reduction gear
- CPP).
The simulator has been equipped with a desktop type realistic
console that enables main engines, gear and CPP operation and
control. A general view of the console has been presented.

Two versions of engine room simulator with medium-speed main
engines are available:
- full version (console and software)
- software version (without console)

The software allows for the simulation of opening/closing
of basic valves and auxiliary equipment operation in engine
room installations. The software also generates the main engine
room's sound.
The simulator contains a special instructor station software
which allows for:
- system set-up (liquid levels in the tanks and pressure setting)
- freeze simulator
- manoeuvring command

Instructor station is connected by phone with the trainee
Software of instructor's station (in multi-station version
only) enables also the observation of the following trainee's
station indications
- systems alarm
- shaft revolution
- alarm log
Simulation model
The simulator is based on an engine room composed of two medium-speed
diesel ME and three diesel engine generators.
The propulsion system includes two ME, driving through reduction
gear the controllable pitch propeller (CPP). Propeller's revolutions
and pitch are controlled simultaneously.
The simulator is divided into the following modules:
Main Engine propulsion

Fuel system

Cooling system

Lubricating system

Compressed Air system

Power plant

Bilge and ballast system

Steering gear

Fire fighting system

Sanitary water system

Refrigerating system

Check List
The main purpose of this option is to :
- standardise operation procedures and training;
- ensure that faults due to improper operation procedures
are avoided.
The check list can be especially used for teaching proper
engine room operation in stand-alone mode without instructor.
The check list is based on the concept consisting in a division
of the whole engine room operation into various smaller, typical
tasks. A specific checklist covers all these tasks. Each checklist
is based on the following principles:
- each checklist begins with a certain engine room setup,
typical for that checklist;
- a checklist properly completed should lead to another specific
engine room setup, which is the target of this particular
- clear instruction what to do and how to do it, is provided
for every single checklist step;
- the checklists are linked in such a way that the target
setup of one checklist is an entry setup for the next checklist
in almost every case. This means that the completion of all
checklists procedures results in the knowledge of the whole
engine room operation at basic level.

ER Simulator

Download [16 KB]

Thank U
NNT 12-Mar-2015 21:00
Regarding posting: for title use normal or capitalize mode, by example:
MEDIUM SPEED ENGINE FOR CADETS should be Medium speed engine for cadets (as normal)
MEDIUM SPEED ENGINE FOR CADETS should be Medium Speed Engine for Cadets (as capitalize)
Thank you!
ncl1951 12-Mar-2015 21:56
10790Regarding posting: for title use normal or capitalize mode, by example:
MEDIUM SPEED ENGINE FOR CADETS should be Medium speed engine for cadets (as normal)
MEDIUM SPEED ENGINE FOR CADETS should be Medium Speed Engine for Cadets (as capitalize)
Thank you!
OK I will ,please be patient with an old CE and a recent teacher .
stewpris 28-Sep-2015 20:47
А есть ли к этому симулятору инструкция те последовательность действий,? Я чайник пока еще и пытаюсь разобраться
marat1990 22-Dec-2015 00:56
в Уфимском филиале "МГАВТ" точно такой же симулятор
Stepan508 10-Dec-2016 11:20
а инструкция есть?
или похожий симулятор с инструкцией
chrysanthos 29-May-2019 11:36
this is the only simulation from UNITEST from actually works in win 7 without errors like wrong cd
chrysanthos 21-Jan-2020 10:45
hello friends how are you? :D i just found out on the unitest poland site.... Steam Engine Room 2 LNG (SER2) is it possible to download it?
chrysanthos 29-Apr-2020 18:32
i have just installed WIN 10 64 now it runs with multiple error windows.....any help please?
refresh list

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