twicer ® 25-Feb-2021 22:23

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Ninth Edition

Year: 201?
Language: english
Author: Oxford University Press
Genre: Dictionary
System requirements: Operating system: Windows® 7 or Windows® 8
Disk space: full installation approx. 4 GB hard disk
Sound: Windows-compatible sound card with headphones or speakers
Graphics card with minimum VGA resolution
A DVD drive is required for installation.
Crack: Not Needed
Description: The world's best-selling advanced-level dictionary for learners of English.
The world's best-selling advanced learner's dictionary, now with Oxford iSpeaker to develop the skills students need for passing
exams and communicating in English. The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is the ultimate speaking and writing tool for
developing the skills students need for passing exams and communicating in English. Trusted by learners and teachers of English
for its clear explanations and example sentences, it is a world bestseller and has over 100 million users.
This edition includes:
NEW Oxford Speaking Tutor a new 10-page section.
NEW Oxford iSpeaker on DVD-ROM and online.
Enables students to:
Prepare for speaking exams and oral presentations.
Develop strategies for holding a conversation in English.
Watch videos of British and American English sounds, conversations and exam-style tasks.
Take part in dialogues.
Record and listen to their voice and assess their own speaking skills.
Oxford Writing Tutor an updated 30-page section
Oxford iWriter on DVD-ROM and online
Shows students how to plan, write and review their own writing tasks.
NEW Express Yourself notes help students find the right thing to say in everyday situations.
NEW Wordfinder notes show related words - look up meeting and find agenda, convene, chair.
The Oxford 3000™ – the most important words to know in English, are clearly shown with a key.
Visual Vocabulary Builder expands topic vocabulary.
Online access includes:
* New iSpeaker to help student's with pronunciation, and prepare them for speaking exams and oral presentations
* iWriter shows student's how to plan, write and review your own writing tasks
* My Wordlists - create lists of the words you want to learn
* Teacher resources - downloadable videos, lesson plans and activities for use in class


Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Ninth Edition on DVD
* The image is working, mount on a virtual SCSI disk with the RMPS option enabled, created ONLY by DAEMON Tools or Alcohol *



Download [11 KB]

Thank U
twicer ® 26-Feb-2021 00:31
System requirements for MacOS:
Operating system: Mac OS X 10.6-10.15
Disk space: installation requires approximately 4 GB hard disk
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