Gogo81 ® 21-Mar-2021 22:27

100 Fast & Easy Boat Improvements

Year: 1998
Language: english
Author: Don Casey
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Intl Marine
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-0070134027
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 138
Description: When it comes to leading the weekend warrior through any boat-improvement project, nobody beats Don Casey. Every step of these projects is illustrated by clear and simple drawings, and Casey's explanations tell you exactly what to do and how to do it. Any one of these nifty projects can be done in a weekend. The result? You can transform your boat into the neatest, sweetest-sailing, best-looking blow-boat on the waves.
From the Back Cover
A Home Improvement Book Gone to Sea
Don Casey, the best-selling author of This Old Boat, has a gift for explaining boat maintenance tasks in visual terms. With clear writing and some 200 illustrations, Casey takes boatowners step-by-step through the 100 simplest, most practical projects he could find (and a few challenging ones, just for fun). Improve your boat's appearance, safety, comfort, and convenience, without any special tools or skills.



100 fast & easy boat improvements

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