Vitbar192 ® 02-May-2021 08:08

The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst

Year: 1969
Language: english
Author: Tomalin N., Hall R.
Genre: History
Publisher: Côte d’Azur
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 259
Description: The Sailor's Classics library introduces a new generation of readers to the best books ever written about small boats under sail
In the autumn of 1968, Donald Crowhurst set sail from England to participate in the first single-handed nonstop around-the-world sailboat race. Eight months later, his boat was found in the mid-Atlantic, intact but with no one on board. In this gripping reconstruction, journalists Nicholas Tomalin and Ron Hall tell the story of Crowhurst's ill-fated voyage.



Tomalin N. The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst, 1969.epub

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