NNT ® 01-Apr-2015 13:08

Sustainability in the Maritime Industry - A Collection of Relevant Papers

Year: 2011
Language: english
Author: Rich Delpizzo, Haifeng Wang, Andrew Panek
Genre: Technical book
Publisher: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
ISBN: 978-0-939773-87-9
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 2332
Description: The purpose of this CD is to provide a single source of technical papers on sustainability, published under the purview of SNAME over the past 30 years. The CD represents a collection of materials focused on logical solutions to the strict emission control and environmental regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
The material on the CD was chosen by SNAME members Rich Delpizzo (Manager of Government Operations, American Bureau of Shipping), Haifeng Wang (Policy Analyst, The International Council on Clean Transportation) and Andrew Panek (Engineer, ABS Americas), and touches on the many different areas these new regulations impact, from emission control of ships operating in international waters to environmental impacts in the shipyard.
The CD contains both practical and theoretical knowledge pertaining to energy efficiency, sustainable design, and environmental impact in marine design. It is a valuable compilation of technical information on a wide range of topics meant to increase the knowledge base of marine engineers and designers in both operation and design, addressing marine environmental and sustainability concerns that have become an increasingly crucial aspect to operating in today’s maritime industry.

Sustainability in the Maritime Industry - A Collection of Relevant Papers-Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) (2011)

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